Computation-Inspired Works
FrequenciesThis work was created by carving a data visualization image into a block of wood using a CNC machine. This image (see next image in this slideshow) is a visualization of the frequencies of genes connected to certain psychological disorders, which was obtained by parsing the PsyGeNET database. | VisualizationVisualization of the frequencies of genes connected to certain psychological disorders, which was obtained by parsing the PsyGeNET database. | Triangular NumbersCharcoal. |
MotionGraphite. This piece was made as a system to represent the motion of the sculpture by George Rickey "Two Open Rectangles Horizontal," located in front of the Meadows School of the Arts. 300 images were taken every 2 seconds and the corners of the rectangles were plotted to track their movement. | Observation of Red ShoesDaily photography project taken over 100 days. |